Published: 02 December 2022

From: Planning

Our Local Plan has identified required infrastructure needs for the town through its accompanying Infrastructure Delivery Schedule. The flexibility within the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), regulations regarding the Neighbourhood Improvement Strand (NIS) would allow us to utilise some of the NIS funding collected to contribute to the delivery of neighbourhood-level projects which are also part of the essential infrastructure of the town.

Therefore, we are looking to hear from residents and stakeholders on its intention to fund the two proposed programmes (listed below) from the CIL Neighbourhood Improvement Strand and also to continue the Neighbourhood Improvement Fund to support community-led projects.

  • Unsupervised Play Investment Programme 2023/24 to 2030/31, for the provision and improvements to play areas (types A, B and C) at multiple locations across the borough.
  • Programme to improve drainage on playing fields and football pitches at multiple locations across the borough

To have your say on the above outline proposals for the use of the Neighbourhood Improvement Strand, please send us your comments by Friday 30 December 2022.

Email, or write to, Communications Team, 含羞草社区 Town Hall, The Boulevard, 含羞草社区, RH10 1UZ.