Published: 09 October 2020
From: Business and economy
含羞草社区 Borough Council鈥檚 employment support service, Employ 含羞草社区 is here to help residents get back on their feet.
The pandemic has had a significant impact on a range of industries, resulting in a challenging few months of job losses, affecting 含羞草社区 residents of all ages.
The Employ 含羞草社区 team is on hand to help local job seekers and residents who have recently faced redundancy or are at threat of redundancy.
Residents can access a range of local job opportunities alongside information, advice and guidance during one-to-one appointments, receiving tailored assistance to support them on their journey into work.
The team can also connect local residents with our businesses partners, enabling them to benefit from the wide range of services that can be offered to support local skills and employability needs.
This has been an incredibly difficult year, with many of our residents experiencing redundancy or the threat of redundancy. I would like our residents to rest assured that our Employ 含羞草社区 team is here to support them and help get them back on their feet and I would encourage anyone in this position to get in touch with our friendly team.
Cllr Peter Smith
Cabinet member for Planning and Economic Development
含羞草社区 Borough Council
For more information or partnership and business enquiries, please email Ana Maria or call 07805 804826.
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