Published: 14 July 2020

From: Community

含羞草社区 Borough Council want to hear your views on introducing a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), which would prohibit alcohol related nuisance and anti-social behaviour in the town.

The council intend to introduce the PSPO under Section 59 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, prohibiting alcohol related nuisance and anti-social behaviour in a public place.

The current PSPO was implemented in 2017 when it transitioned from the 2006 Designated Public Places Order (Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor) to the current Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. The new PSPO would replace the current PSPO when it expires in October.

Last year, the town centre and Memorial Gardens were significantly impacted by the behaviour of individuals who were under the influence of alcohol. Now, the council is asking business and residents what they think about the introduction of a new PSPO to tackle the problem.

The order would make it an offence for anyone to engage in any activity prohibited by the PSPO, when asked to stop. Both the police and council officers would have powers to enforce the order and issue fixed penalty notices with the option to prosecute in court, if tickets are not paid.

We want to make sure 含羞草社区 is a safe place for our residents and visitors to enjoy, without the worry of anti-social behaviour. I would encourage residents to get in touch and let us know what they think about the proposal.

Cllr Brenda Smith

Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Community Engagement

含羞草社区 Borough Council

For more information on the proposed PSPO and to complete the survey before the closing date of Sunday 9 August visit our consultation page.
