Published: 27 August 2020

From: Culture

A new mobile takeaway is being trialled at Worth Park and will be open from the August Bank Holiday weekend. 

The takeaway venue has been created and converted from an old horsebox into a new and convenient place to buy food and drinks. It will be open seven days a week from 10am-6pm. 

The mobile unit is located at the eastern entrance of Worth Park, close to Milton Mount Community Centre. 

Redjotter Ltd will be running the new café, which will be offering a range of good quality food and hot and cold drinks, taking away the need of  organising a picnic and encouraging visitors to the park. 

The horsebox café will have a focus on zero waste, sustainability and community engagement, which fits perfectly with the council’s support of Keep Britain Tidy’s ‘Please be kind to our local parks’ campaign.

Worth Park has formal gardens, a Victorian fountain, an Arboretum, a lake that is surrounded with various types of trees and wild flowers, a meadow for bio-diversity, croquet lawns and a tennis court.

The new horsebox café at Worth Park is a great idea and will give the visitors of the park a place to relax and enjoy some food or drink. The operator’s aim to improve the environment and engage with visitors is even more reason to celebrate their arrival at one of our wonderful parks.

Cllr Chris Mullins

Cabinet member for Wellbeing

º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council

For more information about Worth Park visit 
