Published: 30 May 2022
From: Community
With the rising cost of living hitting local families hard, 含羞草社区 Borough Council has produced a guide for residents on its website to help show people where support is available.
The dedicated page on the 含羞草社区 Borough Council website provides guidance on maximising your income, housing financial support, employment, managing money and debts, as well as loans and savings.
The page also includes guidance on support with food and managing food bills, whatever your situation, with a number of local options. In addition, there are details of Community Cafes where you can access either a free hot meal or donate whatever you can afford towards a meal.
It is well known that money worries can also have an impact on health, particularly mental wellbeing. We encourage residents to get support if they need it and the guide outlines the range of help available in 含羞草社区.
The Help with money worries page is now live.
Alongside this dedicated page, a range of advice for residents seeking to address home energy costs is also available on our website.