Published: 28 January 2022
From: Council tax and benefits
º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council’s proposed 2022/23 budget is set to be debated by the Cabinet on Wednesday 2 February, with a recommendation made to Full Council on 23 February.
Despite challenging financial conditions, the budget is balanced, protects frontline services, sees continuing investment in the town, delivers more council housing for local residents and provides a real-terms cut in º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council’s portion of your Council Tax.
Council Tax bills are made up of three elements – º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council, West Sussex County Council and the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner. West Sussex County Council is proposing a rise of £45.18 on a band D property (2.99 per cent), which will be debated at its Full Council meeting on 18 February. The provisional precept for the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner will rise by £10 on a band D property (4.65 per cent).
If the proposed rises are approved, for every pound paid in Council Tax, West Sussex County Council will receive 77.8p, Sussex Police will receive 11.2p with º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council receiving just 10.9p.
The Cabinet will also debate capital investment, including:
- More than £4m in climate change initiatives including insulation works, renewables, and sustainable transport improvements
- £160,000 for tennis court refurbishment in Maidenbower, Southgate and West Green parks
- £333,000 for the extension of Little Trees Cemetery
- Improvements to eight unsupervised play areas in Broadfield, Bewbush, Ifield, Pound Hill and West Green, totalling £218,000
- An extra £150,000 to combat erosion at Tilgate Lake
I am pleased to be able to present a budget which provides financial sustainability for the council, without needing to make any frontline cuts, while delivering both new investment in the town’s infrastructure and a real-terms cut in Council Tax.
Cllr Peter Lamb
º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council
For more details on Council Tax bandings and ways to pay, visit