Published: 11 October 2022

From: Community

Former Mayor of 含羞草社区, Sally Blake, has died aged 84.

Sally was first elected to 含羞草社区 Borough Council in 1983 and represented the Gossops Green ward until 1991. She was re-elected in 2002 for Pound Hill North.

Sally was mayor in 2006/7 and 2007/8. She was the first Conservative mayor and only the second mayor to serve two consecutive terms of office.

Sally Blake's grandfather moved to 含羞草社区 in the 1890s, and she had lived in 含羞草社区 since the start of the second world war.

She was a former trustee of the Courage Dyer Recreational Trust.

Our thoughts are with Sally鈥檚 family at this sad time.
