Published: 26 January 2023

From: Council tax and benefits

º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council’s proposed 2023/24 budget is set to be debated by the Cabinet on Wednesday 1 February, with a recommendation made to Full Council on 22 February.

Despite challenging financial conditions, the budget protects frontline services, invests in the council’s assets, helps alleviate water neutrality issues and provides a below-inflation cut in the council’s portion of your Council Tax.

Council Tax bills are made up of three elements – º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council, West Sussex County Council and the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner.

º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council’s Cabinet will debate a proposed Council Tax increase of 2.99 per cent – the equivalent of a £6.55 annual rise for a band D property.

West Sussex County Council is proposing a rise of £77.67 on a band D property (4.99 per cent), which will be debated at its Full Council meeting on 17 February. The provisional precept for the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner will rise by £15 on a band D property (6.67 per cent).

If the proposed rises are approved, for every pound paid in Council Tax, West Sussex County Council will receive 77.82p, Sussex Police will receive 11.43p with º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council receiving just 10.74p.

The Cabinet will also debate capital investment, including:

  • £900,000 to retrofit more of the council’s housing stock to help achieve water neutrality
  • £350,000 for garage repairs and maintenance
  • £120,000 for the digital switchover of Lifeline, a personal alarm service provider to residents by the council
  • £55,000 to progress the business plan for phase two of the town centre district heat network

£45,000 for floodlight improvements at the 3G pitch at K2 º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø.

Our proposed budget protects frontline services and invests in a greener future, while keeping the increase in our element of Council Tax to significantly below the rate of inflation.

Councillor Michael Jones


º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council
