Published: 30 June 2023
From: Community
A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) prohibiting the anti-social use of vehicles remains in force in º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø.
The PSPO was introduced by º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council in 2019 and extended in March 2022 because businesses and residents had been affected by vehicles gathering in large groups and drivers engaging in anti-social use of vehicles, particularly in Manor Royal Business District, Tilgate Park and Sainsbury’s car park.
The behaviour associated with car cruising damaged private and public land and caused a danger to pedestrians and other road users.
The behaviour associated with car cruising damaged private and public land and caused a danger to pedestrians and other road users.
The order means it’s an offence for anyone to:
- Participate in car cruising or a car cruising event
- Encourage any other person to participate in car cruising or a car cruising event
- Congregate to watch car cruising or be in attendance to watch a car cruising event
- Attend a car cruising event to supply or sell to those present any food, drink, goods or services
- Urinate in a public place while participating or attending a car cruising event.
Breaching the PSPO is a criminal offence and congregating to watch a car cruise event is also a breach of the order. The council takes any breaches very seriously
Councillor Yasmin Khan
Cabinet member for Public Protection
º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council
Engaging with any of these activities anywhere on any public highway, car parks or any other land to which the public or any section of the public has access, may result in a fixed penalty notice.
If a person is believed to have engaged with the prohibited activities, they are required to give their name and address to a police officer, police community support officer or other person designated by º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø Borough Council. They may also be required to leave the area.
For more information about the Public Spaces Protection Order in º¬Ðß²ÝÉçÇø visit