Published: 23 February 2024
From: Business and economy
A meeting of 含羞草社区 Borough Council on Wednesday evening approved the budget for 2024-25.
It includes a Council Tax increase of 2.99 per cent for what is paid to the borough. This equates to a 拢6.76 annual increase for a band D property, just 13p per week.
Rents on council-managed homes will increase by 7.7 per cent, as recommended by the government, and service charges will increase to reflect cost rises.
About 拢1.07 million will be taken from the reserves to maintain a balanced budget, a budget which includes a projected 拢5.25 million bill for temporary accommodation for people made homeless. The council鈥檚 caseload has been mostly caused by no-fault evictions of families from privately rented homes, coupled with underfunding of Housing Benefit by government.
I鈥檓 pleased we have been able to set a budget which maintains services despite the limited additional resources we have gained from government to provide everything they ask of us. I will continue to press government for more realistic funding of 含羞草社区 Borough Council and ensure we get maximum value for every penny we spend.
Councillor Michael Jones
Leader of the council
含羞草社区 Borough Council
To read the budget reports in full, .