Dyers Almshouses

The Dyers Company Almshouses lie adjacent to the north side of a residential cul-de-sac within the residential neighbourhood of Northgate. To the south, beyond Northgate Road, is the Town Centre and to the east is the Kilnmead allocated housing site (allocated in the Local Plan). To the west are offices and their associated car parks. These offices front onto the northern end of the High Street.

The area was designated in 1996 to protect the distinctive character and appearance of the Almshouses, its grass quad and associated landscaping and trees, and to ensure that any nearby development proposals are of a scale, form, and design that respects the architectural integrity, character and setting of the Almshouses.

The conservation area statement was revised in February 2018 and provides a character appraisal for the area and guidance that should be followed when any development takes place.

Conservation Area Advisory Committee (CAAC)

Central 含羞草社区 CAAC provides comments on planning applications that are submitted within Dyers Almshouses Conservation Area, High Street Conservation Area, St Peters Conservation Area, and the Sunnymead Flats Conservation Area.